Metric ISO standard thread according to DIN 13-1
The metric ISO standard thread is not only the most commonly used thread in Europe, but is also widely used worldwide. It is therefore one of the most important thread types internationally. The metric ISO standard thread is used as a fastening thread and is the absolute standard for fastening screws and nuts in particular. The range and variety not only of components, but also of tools for thread machining such as taps, thread formers or dies for the metric standard thread is correspondingly large.
The metric ISO standard thread is standardized according to the DIN 13-1 standard, which covers standard threads with an outer diameter of 1 to 68 mm. This standard was first defined back in 1949, but has been revised and updated many times since then. Over time, it has not only replaced older metric standards, but also many imperial threads.
It is a metric thread, so the dimensions are given in mm. The flank angle is 60°. As is usually the case with metric threads, the pitch is also expressed as a value in mm. This corresponds to the distance between two thread tips or, in other words, the distance in the axial direction covered by one revolution.
The thread designation for the metric standard thread is made up of the abbreviation M and the outside diameter. The pitch is not listed separately in the thread designation, but can be read from the thread table. The designation for a metric standard thread with an outer diameter of 10 mm is therefore M 10.
The thread table for the metric standard thread includes dimensions from 1 to 68 mm outside diameter. The various combinations of outside diameter and pitch are divided into three rows. Row 1 contains the preferred dimensions of 1st choice, rows 2 and 3 show the combinations of 2nd and 3rd choice respectively. For the sake of simplicity, the table often shows either only the dimensions of row 1 or all dimensions in just one row.
In the table below you will find all the dimensions you need to work with the metric ISO standard thread. In addition to the outside diameter and pitch, the core hole diameter is also given. You can find suitable dies and taps for the metric ISO standard thread via the links in the table.