Round Thread DIN 168
The DIN 168 round thread is a special type of round thread primarily used for closures of glass containers. This includes bottles and vials in laboratory technology or the pharmaceutical field, as well as a variety of common household glass containers.
The glass thread is realized as a round thread to facilitate manufacturing. In addition, round threads are generally less susceptible to dirt and easier to clean, which is a significant advantage for most glass containers, especially in sterile environments. A unique aspect of the DIN 168 round thread is that the flank angles for internal and external threads differ significantly. The glass container has a flank angle of 60°, while the screw-on cap has only 30°.
The thread designation for the glass thread consists of the abbreviation GL and the maximum external diameter in mm. The DIN 168 round thread is a metric thread, hence all dimensions are specified in mm.
The thread table for the DIN 168 round thread includes a set of dimensions for both the external and internal threads, namely the external diameter and core diameter. For both diameters, there is a minimum and maximum value within which the actual dimension must fall. The pitch is also listed. Dies and taps for the DIN 168 round thread can be made upon request!
Thread identification | Male thread | Internal thread | Pitch mm | Taps in our Online-Shop | Dies in our Online-Shop | ||||||
Outer diameter mm | Core diameter mm | Outer diameter mm | Core diameter mm | ||||||||
max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | max. | min. | ||||
GL 8 | 8,00 | 7,65 | 6,60 | 6,25 | 8,30 | 8,10 | 6,90 | 6,70 | 2,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 10 | 10,00 | 9,65 | 8,60 | 8,25 | 10,30 | 10,10 | 8,90 | 8,70 | 2,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 12 | 12,00 | 11,65 | 10,60 | 10,25 | 12,30 | 12,10 | 10,90 | 10,70 | 2,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 14 | 14,00 | 13,60 | 12,32 | 11,92 | 14,35 | 14,10 | 12,67 | 12,42 | 2,50 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 16 | 16,00 | 15,60 | 14,32 | 13,92 | 16,35 | 16,10 | 14,67 | 14,42 | 2,50 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 18 | 18,00 | 17,50 | 15,98 | 15,48 | 18,40 | 18,10 | 16,38 | 16,08 | 3,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 20 | 20,00 | 19,50 | 17,98 | 17,48 | 20,40 | 20,10 | 18,38 | 18,08 | 3,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 22 | 22,00 | 21,50 | 19,98 | 19,48 | 22,40 | 22,10 | 20,38 | 20,08 | 3,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 25 | 25,00 | 24,50 | 22,98 | 22,48 | 25,40 | 25,10 | 23,38 | 23,08 | 3,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 25 | 25,00 | 24,50 | 22,64 | 22,14 | 25,40 | 25,10 | 23,04 | 22,74 | 3,50 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 28 | 28,00 | 27,50 | 25,98 | 25,48 | 28,40 | 28,10 | 26,38 | 26,08 | 3,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 32 | 32,00 | 31,30 | 29,30 | 28,60 | 32,55 | 32,15 | 29,85 | 29,45 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 36 | 36,00 | 35,30 | 33,30 | 32,60 | 36,55 | 36,15 | 33,85 | 33,45 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 40 | 40,00 | 39,30 | 37,30 | 36,60 | 40,55 | 40,15 | 37,85 | 37,45 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 45 | 45,00 | 44,30 | 42,30 | 41,60 | 45,55 | 45,15 | 42,85 | 42,45 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 50 | 50,00 | 49,20 | 47,30 | 46,50 | 50,80 | 50,30 | 48,10 | 47,60 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 56 | 56,00 | 55,20 | 53,30 | 52,60 | 56,80 | 56,30 | 54,10 | 53,60 | 4,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 63 | 63,00 | 62,00 | 60,00 | 59,00 | 64,00 | 63,40 | 61,00 | 60,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 70 | 70,00 | 69,00 | 67,00 | 66,00 | 71,00 | 70,40 | 68,00 | 67,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 80 | 80,00 | 79,00 | 77,00 | 76,00 | 81,00 | 80,40 | 78,00 | 77,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 90 | 90,00 | 89,00 | 87,00 | 86,00 | 91,00 | 90,40 | 88,00 | 87,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 100 | 100,00 | 89,80 | 97,00 | 95,80 | 101,00 | 100,40 | 98,00 | 97,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 112 | 112,00 | 110,80 | 109,00 | 108,80 | 113,00 | 112,40 | 110,00 | 109,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |
GL 125 | 125,00 | 123,80 | 122,00 | 120,80 | 126,00 | 125,40 | 123,00 | 122,40 | 5,00 | Link to the taps | Link to the thread cutting die |